Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Here we go again

Well, I had a lovely long weekend where i literally ignored every school related thing, but anyways, I am completing my assignment until the big day tomorrow where we hand it in! :(.

int io_flag(..........)

int io_flag(const char *format, int row, int col, int* status, int radio);

io_flag() allows the user to make a single true/false selection. "status" points to the status of the selection, that can be zero or non-zero. If "status" is initially set to anything but zero, io_flag() corrects value to one. "format" holds the shape of the checkbox as io_displayflag() function.

io_flag() begins the selection by displaying the checkbox according to its “*status”. (Remember that the value of "*status" is corrected before the editing begins). Then the function waits for the user input.

  • If the user input is any of the printable keys (' ' <>
  • If the user input is SPACE:
    • If “radio” is true, then the *status is set to one, checkbox is displayed and function is terminated returning space.
    • If “radio” is false, then the value of *status is toggled between 0 and 1, the checkbox is displayed and function is exited returning space.
Sometimes i wish these things actually were in english not engrish cause these instructions are confusing, which makes the assignment harder.

So, i'm just going to jot down what I need to do here instead of using notepad.

  • If status is anything but 0, turns it into 1
  • format holds same shape of checkbox as io_displayflag
  • If the user input is any of the printable keys (' ' < key <= '~') excluding space, it should be ignored (no action taken).
  • If the user input is any of the function keys, the function is terminated returning the key.
Well, i guess i'll get on to it now.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately you're going to encounter vague specifications when you're working in the 'real world' as well. Might as well get used to it.
